- Safer Balance Bike:Children’s Product Certificate(CPC certification),our balance bike has undergone testing that meets American standards,and after improved production process processing,the toddler balance bike has no burrs and no odor;
- Grow with your child:Our toddler bike is suitable for children aged 2 to 6 years old,with adjustable seats and handlebars that can adapt to the height of children of different ages.Our balance bike 2 year old grows taller with your child;
- Upgrade and Update:Due to the poor fixing effect of the seats and handlebars in ordinary balance bike,we have upgraded the fasteners to make the seats and handlebars more secure and non sliding,while also simplifying the parts assembly process;
- Convenient assembly:Our balance bike undergoes two inspections before packaging to ensure that all parts are not missing,and installation is easier than similar products.There is an installation procedure manual inside the packaging,and you can also watch our installation video;
- Lightweight:Our toddler balance bike weighs no more than 2.2 pounds.Two year old children can easily move it without the help of parents.It can also exercise children’s Motor coordination ability;
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Flowergirl Balance Bike 2 Year Old,Toddler Balance Bike for 2 3 4 5 6 Year Old Boy Girl,Baby Bike with Adjustable Seat,12 inch Bicycle for Kids
- Safer Balance Bike:Children’s Product Certificate(CPC certification),our balance bike has undergone testing that meets American standards,and after improved production process processing,the toddler balance bike has no burrs and no odor;
- Grow with your child:Our toddler bike is suitable for children aged 2 to 6 years old,with adjustable seats and handlebars that can adapt to the height of children of different ages.Our balance bike 2 year old grows taller with your child;
- Upgrade and Update:Due to the poor fixing effect of the seats and handlebars in ordinary balance bike,we have upgraded the fasteners to make the seats and handlebars more secure and non sliding,while also simplifying the parts assembly process;
- Convenient assembly:Our balance bike undergoes two inspections before packaging to ensure that all parts are not missing,and installation is easier than similar products.There is an installation procedure manual inside the packaging,and you can also watch our installation video;
- Lightweight:Our toddler balance bike weighs no more than 2.2 pounds.Two year old children can easily move it without the help of parents.It can also exercise children’s Motor coordination ability;